5 de maig del 2020

Amazing This Together Choir Song

This Together Choir

388 cantaires de 5 continents alhora, emociona, val la pena: motivació i activació en aquests durs i difícils moments que afecten al convenciment de que podem millorar, com a persones i com a humanitat. 
Sí. És possible, mils de coses petites juntes que podem fer cada un de nosaltres alhora, poden  aconseguir el canvi que, en el fons, tots desitgem.  Per què esperar, aprofitem l´oportunitat, cada un de nosaltres diguem-nos : ARA ÉS EL MOMENT.

"...How did we get here, with so much love in us, all I have is the faith I can change...I can hear the whole world singing together...".

To all of you enjoy the Choir !!!

388 singers from 5 continents at once, exciting, worthwhile: motivation and activation in these hard and difficult times that affect the conviction that we can improve, as people and as humanity.
Yes. It is possible, thousands of small things together that we can do each of us at once, can achieve the change that, deep down, we all desire.

Why wait, let's take the opportunity, let's each say: NOW IS THE TIME.


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