26 de maig del 2020

The Publication Families, Family Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Publication Families, Family Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals, which has been presented online webinar during the celebration of the International Families Day, in the framework of UN DESA, last Friday, May 15th , has been carried out by a great team of people.

The authors: Dominic Richardson (Academic Coordinator, Head of the Research Office of Unicef), Esuna Dugarova, Daryl Higgins, Keiko Hirai, Zitha Mokomane, Mihaela Robila.

The Project Coordinator Ignacio Socias (Director of the IFFD), the Strategic Advisor Irma Rognoni (Councilor of the Barcelona City Council), the support of Alex Vázquez (IFFD representative at the United Nations), Renata Kaczmarska (UNDESA), of Sarah Cook (UNICEF), and many other collaborators.

The project had the support of the Fundació Bancària La Caixa, without whom it would not have been possible to carry out the research, and also the suport of the entity Stiftung Maienburg.

Thanks to the IFFD, which has been the entity that has given the necessary support and structure to carry out the project.

The support of the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, UN DESA, Focus Families Point, has been encouraging.

The research would not have been possible without the collaboration of UNICEF, that has managed and carried out the publication of both the Synthesis Report and Families, Family Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Thank you very much to all of them !!!

We hope the publication will encourage politicians, decisionmakers and stateholders, and serve to make real the new socio-legal and political paradigm: families as the center for making any political decision and the role of family policies in contributing to achieving the objectives of the Sustainable Development of the UN 2030 Agenda.

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