17 de gener del 2018

Meeting in New York City, Project SDGs & Family

Last December has been hold in NYC a meeting to continue the work on the Project Making families a cornerstone  in  policymaking,  a  global guide for policymakers, decision makers and lawmakers and the family impact, with experts from all continents, organized by IFFD,  with the sponsor of Fundació “La Caixa”.

 The frame of the project is the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda “a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom…..  The 17 Sustainable Development Goals seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve” (UN: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).

The goal of the project is to encourage policymakers, decision makers and lawmakers to routinely ask themselves, in the normal course of decision-making, about the family impact. The family impact lens is a way to think in a more holistic and multidimensional perspective to deal with any legislative reform.

More information here:

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