3 de juny del 2021

Adéu al restaurant Greco´s of Brooklyn// Goodbye to the Greco´s of Brooklyn restaurant

El fantàstic restaurant Greco´s of Brooklyn portat pels dos germans Mark i Anita, tanca les seves portes com a conseqüència de crisi provocada per la Covid-19. La cuina de moltíssima qualitat , estil americana italiana es trobarà a faltar molt a Barcelona. Grans amics i acollidors amb els clients. Sempre recordarem aquests amics, les festes que hem fet al seu restaurant i els deliciosos plats. Us desitgem molt bona sort en la nova etapa de retorn a USA. 

The fantastic Greco´s of Brooklyn restaurant run by the two brothers Mark and Anita, closes its doors as the result of the crisis caused by the Covid-19. The very high quality, American-Italian style cuisine will be sorely missed in Barcelona. Great friends and welcoming with customers. We will always remember our friends Anita and Mark, the parties we had at their restaurant and the delicious dishes. We wish you good luck in the new stage of return to USA.


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