15 de maig 2019
Experts coincideixen que les polítiques socials s’han de centrar sempre en la família
En motiu del Dia Internacional de la Família, convocat per l'ONU, l'Institut d'Estudis Superiors de la Família, de la UIC (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ha organitzat una jornada sobre polítiques d'infància i família en el marc dels objectius de desenvolupament sostenible fixat per la ONU. La jornada s'emmarca en les activitats de la Childcare and Family Policies Chair.
Experts agree that social policies should always focus on the family
On the occasion of the International Family Day, convened by the UN, the Institute for Advanced Family Studies, in the UIC (International University of Catalonia) has organized a seminar on childhood and family policies within the framework of the Sustainable development goals set by the UN. The day is part of the activities of the Childcare and Family Policies Chair.
Experts agree that social policies should always focus on the family
On the occasion of the International Family Day, convened by the UN, the Institute for Advanced Family Studies, in the UIC (International University of Catalonia) has organized a seminar on childhood and family policies within the framework of the Sustainable development goals set by the UN. The day is part of the activities of the Childcare and Family Policies Chair.
La Regidora I.Rognoni, la directora del departament de la UIC i Esperanza Molins compartint la Taula Inaugural |
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