7 d’octubre del 2018

At Barcelona City Hall with professor Jules Lobel

 19 de setembre
At the City Hall with professor Jules Lobel, a friend and Chair at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He has written some articles and some books .
 Lobel is the recipient of the University of Pittsburgh Chancellor’s Distinguished Public Service Award (2002), and the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award (1993). In 2006, he received the Allegheny County Bar Foundation’s Career Achievement Award for Pro Bono Service, and in 2001 he was named by the School of Law as a Distinguished Faculty Scholar..
Lobel is President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a national human and constitutional rights organization headquartered in New York City. He  has litigated numerous cases involving Constitutional and Human Rights issues in the United States Courts

Professor Jules Lobel and City Councillor Irma Rognoni

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