candidate MARI CORDES, a great person and great friend of Councilor
Irma Rognoni, runs in the election on August 14th 2018 as a candidate for
primaries elections of the Democratic Party for VERMONT HOUSE-USA.
There was a big event in Bristol VT last august 10th, which had the assistance of 200 people, Mari explained her main ideas, being the most important to fight for service, attention and medical care for all the people, guaranteeing medical attention for all, is something that she has as a priority due also her practice as a nurse.
There was a big event in Bristol VT last august 10th, which had the assistance of 200 people, Mari explained her main ideas, being the most important to fight for service, attention and medical care for all the people, guaranteeing medical attention for all, is something that she has as a priority due also her practice as a nurse.
Another highlight of Mari was the fight against poverty and social exclusion, education, the value of democracy and the Rule of Law, the need to return to the just and equal democratic lines and good governance. And she called for support to the members of the government of Catalonia who are currently imprisoned, which caused an emotional applause of the whole Audience as a support sample.The event had the impressive presence of Senator BERNIE SANDERS who called for the need to preserve Democracy, the Rule of Law, the political participation of young people, women, access to universal medical services, university education accessible to all ... made a forceful explanation of all the reforms achieved, as well as the steps towards the normalization of events that a few years ago seemed very advanced from a social point of view. He offered a vision derived from his tour around the country.
GO MARI, Best Luck !!!!!!
La candidata MARI CORDES , gran persona i gran amiga de la Regidora Irma Rognoni, es presenta a les eleccions del proper 14 d´agost com a candidata a primàries del Partit Demòcrata pel Parlament de l´estat de Vermont als Estats Units pel comptat d´Adisson.
Al miting que va fer a Bristol VT el passat dia 10, que va comptar amb l´assistència d´unes 200 persones, Mari va explicar les seves idees principals, essent la més important el lluitar per aconseguir servei, atenció i cures mèdiques per a totes les persones, garantir l´atenció mèdica per a tothom, és quelcom que té com a prioritat donada a més a més la seva formació i pràctica com a infermera.
Un altre fet destacat per Mari va ser la lluita contra la pobresa i l´exclusió social, l´educació, el valor de la democràcia i el Rule of Law, la necessitat de retornar a les línies democràtiques justes i iguals i la bona governança. I va fer una crida de suport als membres del govern de Catalunya que en aquests moment estan empresonats, fet que va provocar un emotiu aplaudiment de tot l´Auditori com a mostra de suport.
L´acte va comptar amb la impressionant presència del Senador BERNIE SANDERS que va fer una crida a la necessitat de preservar la Democràcia, el Rule of Law, la participació política dels joves, les dones, accés als serveis mèdics universals, educació universitària accessible per a fer una explicació contundent de totes les reformes assolides, així com els passos cap a la normalització de fets que fa uns pocs anys semblaven molt avançats des d´un punt de vista social. Va oferir una visió derivada del seu recorregut per tot el país.
Endevant Mari !!!
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Mari Cordes candidate for House and Councilor Irma Rognoni |
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Mari Cordes during her speech |
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Senator Bernie Sanders during his speech |
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