La Regidora Irma Rognoni dona una petita xerrada a l´Assemblea de la JNC , al districte de Sants-Montjuïc sobre municipalisme i govern local. Es va produir un interessant intercanvi al final entre tots els assitents. Els Joves són el futur i especialment ens poden oferir moltes idees en la difusió dels línies polítiques!
Councilor Irma Rognoni gives a small talk to the Assembly of the JNC, in the district of Sants-Montjuïc on municipalism and local government. There was an interesting exchange at the end among all those who attended. Young people are the future and we can especially offer many ideas in the dissemination of political lines!
Councilor Irma Rognoni gives a small talk to the Assembly of the JNC, in the district of Sants-Montjuïc on municipalism and local government. There was an interesting exchange at the end among all those who attended. Young people are the future and we can especially offer many ideas in the dissemination of political lines!
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