23 de maig del 2017

SDG´s & Families Project- 2nd Experts Group Meeting, Costa Rica 22nd to 24th May 2017

First day of work, starting with the opening session. We had the honor to count with the presence and words of the President of the Asamblea Legislativa ( Congress of Costa Rica), Excmo. Sr. Gonzalo Ramírez, also the assistance of Dr. Jesús Rosales (IPEF), and Renata Kaczmarska (UN Focal Point on the Family), all of them emphasize the importance of the implementation of UN SDG Gooals, Agenda 2030. The project is promoted by IFFD and the main sponsor is Fundació Bancària "la Caixa". After we started the discussion on the Goals of the Project and the drafts chapters. Intensive day and deep

Receiving the President of the Asamblea Legislativa (Congress of Costa Rica)


                                                                         Opening Session

The President of Asamblea Nacional, Mrs. R.Karczmarska and I. Socias

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