3 de setembre del 2020

UNICEF WEBINAR, "WORLDS OF INFLUENCE: Shaping policies for child well-being in rich countries - A policy panel discussion"

Today  the  webinar "WORLDS OF INFLUENCE: Shaping policies for child well-being in rich countries - A policy panel discussion", has been taken discussing about indicators amd well-being

Mr. Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Debemos pensar que lo que ocurre a los niños , ocurre en nuestro futuro. Debemos tener claro que ellos han vivido la gran crisis del 2009 y al cabo de 10 años de nuevo una crisis muy dura, por tanto debemos ser conscientes de ello, por ello la educación es más importante que nunca, la familia, los contactos sociales, ellos saben que es un período de profunda transformacion, por tanto debemos brindarles los instrumentos correctos:  este es el reto.  Debemos crear sociedades resilientes, servicios accesibles: educación, calidad en ella, healthcare, sport , leisure, housing, en definitiva sociedades democráticas con igualdad de oportunidades, necesitamos saber que nuestros niños estan felices y pueden superar las dificultades, por ello hay que invertir en children, si se corta el social investment debilita nuestras potencialidades como sociedades.
We must think that what happens to children, happens in our future. We must be clear that they have lived through the great crisis of 2009 and after 10 years again a very hard crisis, therefore we must be aware of it, that is why education is more important than ever, family, social contacts, They know that it is a period of profound transformation, therefore we must provide them with the correct instruments: this is the challenge. We must create resilient societies, accessible services: education, quality in it, healthcare, sport, leisure, housing, ultimately democratic societies with equal opportunities, we need to know that our children are happy and can overcome difficulties, therefore we must invest in children, if social investment is cut it weakens our potential as companies.

Ms. Denitsa Sacheva, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria
Para nosotros es muy importante educación y salud, es una prioridad, 40.000 niños han ido de nuevo a la escuela, se ha hecho mucho progreso en este sentido, sin embargo seguimos en ello, debemos trabajar la salud mental, discapacidades, el foco ahora está en servicios sociales para ellos, a través de dar soporte a sus familias, necesitamos conectar los diferentes servicios y ser más creativos para el beneficio de los niños.
Han invertido 2 biliones de euros en medidas sociales durante la pandemia, dinero para mantener trabajos e ingresos de los trabajadores (170.000 puestos de trabajos se han mantenido) y ello es importante para las familias, hemos invertido en cuidadores para que los padres puedan seguir trabajando, han enfatizado el 8 º grado que es el momento de cambio para los niños, y han conseguido una partida económica para mejorar la educación a distancia, y un mínimo de dinero mensual para padres que deben estar en casa con los niños y que puedan tener unos ingresos mínimos.
Education and health is very important for us, it is a priority, 40,000 children have gone to school again, much progress has been made in this regard, however we continue to do so, we must work on mental health, disabilities, the focus is now in social services for them, through supporting their families, we need to connect the different services and be more creative for the benefit of the children.
They have invested 2 billion euros in social measures during the pandemic, money to maintain jobs and workers' income (170,000 jobs have been maintained) and this is important for families, we have invested in caregivers so that parents can continue working , have emphasized the 8th grade that it is the time of change for children, and have obtained an economic allowance to improve distance education, and a minimum of monthly money for parents who must be at home with their children and who may have minimal income.

Ms. Rosemary Moodie, Senator, Canada
Debemos trabajar en reducir pobreza infantil y la igualdad. Tenemos mucha responsabilidad y la sociedad civil nos está diciendo qué debemos hacer, necesitamos escucharlos y dar la respuesta adecuada, no se está haciendo y sin embargo hay recursos para hacerlo.
En los países con recursos cuesta comprender que invertir en niños es muy necesario, hay que entender que es algo muy importante tiene repercusiones en todo el mundo de servicios y económico, 20 % de los niños de Canadá estan aectados por enfermedad mental, esto por ejemplo es un problema importante.
Demos realizar políticas para los niños, debe estar en nuestra agenda política, diálogo político, discitur, decidir, legislar, debemos tomar en serio el impacto en los niños, escuchar los niños, animarlos a que formulen opciones, además tenemos vulnerabilidades: inmigrantes, discapacitados, etc..
We must work to reduce child poverty and equality. We have a lot of responsibility and civil society is telling us what to do, we need to listen to them and give the appropriate response, it is not being done and yet there are resources to do it.
In countries with resources, it is difficult to understand that investing in children is very necessary, it must be understood that it is something very important that has repercussions throughout the world of services and economics, 20% of children in Canada are affected by mental illness, this for example it is a major problem.
We must carry out policies for children, it must be on our political agenda, political dialogue, discitur, decide, legislate, we must take seriously the impact on children, listen to children, encourage them to formulate options, we also have vulnerabilities: immigrants, disabled , etc..

Mr. Fayaz King, Deputy Executive Director, Field Results and Innovation, UNICEF
Es fundamental invertir en los niños, su bienestar es fundamental, su educación, su salud, específicamente la salud mental, especialmente en este momento y de ahí el necesario apoyo a sus familias.
It is essential to invest in children, their well-being is essential, their education, their health, specifically mental health, especially at this time and hence the necessary support for their families.

Mr. Dominic Richardson, Chief of Social and Economic Policy, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti
Hay que preguntarse sobre los indicadores de los niños: están físicamente saludables, están socialmente integrados , también en la escuela, están felices ? .... estas son las preguntas básicas que debemos formular. El reto son las acciones, así como todas las influencias que acentúan  estos indicadores. es fundamental reconocer que son parte de la sociedad, hay que escucharlos, preguntarles su experiencia, que no se sientan excluidos. Es en las precrisis que no se ha trabajado lo suficiente en este sentido, debemos aprender del pasado, preparémonos para la crisis antes de que llegue, si actuamos así estaremos preparados y tendremos más instrumentos para los niños. Sólo una pequeña parte de la inversión social  va dirigida al bienestar de los niños,  ahora es una oportunidad.
We have to ask yourself about the children's indicators: are they physically healthy, are they socially integrated, also at school, are they happy? .... these are the basic questions we must ask. The challenge is the actions, as well as all the influences that accentuate these indicators. It is essential to recognize that they are part of society, you have to listen to them, ask about their experience, that they do not feel excluded. It is in the pre-crises that not enough work has been done in this regard, we must learn from the past, let's prepare for the crisis before it arrives, if we act like this we will be prepared and we will have more tools for children. Only a small part of social investment is directed to the well-being of children, now it is an opportunity.

Webinar UNICEF Worlds of Influence: Understanding what shapes child well-being in rich countries

Description: UNICEF Innocenti’s Report Card 16 – Worlds of Influence: Understanding what shapes child well-being in rich countries – offers a mixed picture of children’s health, skills and happiness. For far too many children, issues such as poverty, exclusion and pollution threaten their mental well-being, physical health and opportunities to develop skills. The evidence from 41 OECD and EU countries tells a comprehensive story: from children’s chances of survival, growth and protection, to whether they are learning and feel listened to, to whether their parents have the support and resources to give their children the best chance for a healthy, happy childhood. This report reveals children’s experiences against the backdrop of their country’s policies and social, educational, economic and environmental contexts.

This panel discussion, timed with the global launch of Report Card 16, comes at a moment when policy makers are asking deep questions about how to ensure child well-being in the light of one of the worst global pandemics in many decades. Our aim is to delve deeply into the findings of Report Card 16 to better understand how its findings may shape the increasingly uncertain world children are living in. We will also have an opportunity to examine how the comparative data in this and previous editions of Report Card can support policies for child well-being, looking at previous outcome-based indicators as well as newer context and conditions indicators which are presented in the latest edition of Report Card.

Confirmed panelists:

Mr. Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

Ms. Denitsa Sacheva, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria

Ms. Rosemary Moodie, Senator, Canada

Mr. Fayaz King, Deputy Executive Director, Field Results and Innovation, UNICEF

Mr. Dominic Richardson, Chief of Social and Economic Policy, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti