Barcelona aquest estiu és una ciutat que mostra la paradoxa entre la bellesa de la ciutat , al costat al mar, en calma, aigua del mar mediterrani tranquila, transparent, es respira la calma d´altres temps anyorats i a l´oest la serralada verda i frondosa... i per altra banda l´anyorança de la vida que brinda del petit comerç (que genera el 98 % de la riquesa de la ciutat) que es veu tancat , amb cartells que destaquen desde el tancament definitiu del negoci, la venda del local, el local en lloguer ... quins temps més complexos... però de nou la paradoxa: és el moment de crear nous mecanismes sostenibles per a tots, noves feines que incloguin a tots, nous reptes socials, creem, inventem, pensem, estructurem... és el moment de poder girar aquell destí de la ciutat que tothom en general avui comenta que era excessiu ... ànims a tots i força per a crear !!!
Barcelona this summer is a city that shows the paradox between the beauty of the city, next to the sea, calm, serene, transparent Mediterranean sea water, you can breathe the calm of other longing times and to the west the green and leafy mountain range ... and on the other hand the longing of the life that offers of the small commerce (that generates 98% of the wealth of the city) that is closed, with posters that emphasize from the definitive closing of the business, the sale of the premises, premises for rent ... what a complex time ... but again the paradox: it is time to create new sustainable mechanisms for all, new jobs that include everyone, new social challenges, we have to create, we have to invent, we have to think , we have to prepare new structures ... it's time to be able to turn that destiny of the city that everyone in general, today, comments that it was excessive ... encouragement to all and strength to create !!!
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Sunraise in Barcelona |
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Sunrise in Barcelona |