Hoy ha tenido lugar durante más de dos horas una conferencia con Magistrados de Familia sobre las IMPLICACIONES DEL COVID 19 EN DERECHO DE FAMILIA.
Magistrada del Juzgado de 1a Instancia nº18 de Barcelona, Regina Selva, Magistrada del Juzgado de 1a Instancia nº16 de Barcelona, María Isabel Hernando, Magistrado de la Sección 12 de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, Pascual Ortuño, Magistrado de la Sección 18 de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, Francisco Javier Pereda.
Resulta muy tranquilizador pensar en el gran esfuerzo de análisis que están realizando los Jueces y Magistrados de Familia para la implementación del Real Decreto del Estado de Alarma causado a raiz del COVID-19.
Están realizando una auténtica labor de interpretación de la ley y las normas, completando el RD y para el bien de las familias y de los menores. La responsabilidad con la que analizan el hacer real el principio del "interés superior del menor", el análisis de hallar la "solución más justa" a los problemas que se han generado en el seno de las familias, me ha gustado ver este gran esfuerzo por desmenuzar hasta el final los conceptos jurídicos, la protección de las personas, la valoración del ser humano.Eso es la inteligencia jurídica que tanto necesitamos.
Today a conference with Family Magistrates on the IMPLICATIONS OF COVID 19 IN FAMILY LAW has taken place for more than two hours.
Magistrate of the Court First Instance nº18 of Barcelona, Regina Selva, Magistrate of the Court First Instance nº16 of Barcelona, María Isabel Hernando, Magistrate Section 12 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, Pascual Ortuño, Magistrate Section 18 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, Francisco Javier Pereda.
It is very reassuring to think of the great effort of analysis that the Family Judges and Magistrates are carrying out for the implementation of the Royal Decree of the State of Alarm caused as a result of COVID-19.
They are doing a real job of interpreting the law and regulations, completing the RD and for the good of families and minors. The responsibility with which they analyze making real the principle of the "best interests of the minor", the analysis of finding the "fairest solution" to the problems that have been generated within families, I liked to see this great effort for analyzing thoroughly to the end the legal concepts, the protection of people, the valuation of the human being. That is the legal intelligence that we need so much.
Today a conference with Family Magistrates on the IMPLICATIONS OF COVID 19 IN FAMILY LAW has taken place for more than two hours.
Magistrate of the Court First Instance nº18 of Barcelona, Regina Selva, Magistrate of the Court First Instance nº16 of Barcelona, María Isabel Hernando, Magistrate Section 12 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, Pascual Ortuño, Magistrate Section 18 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, Francisco Javier Pereda.
It is very reassuring to think of the great effort of analysis that the Family Judges and Magistrates are carrying out for the implementation of the Royal Decree of the State of Alarm caused as a result of COVID-19.
They are doing a real job of interpreting the law and regulations, completing the RD and for the good of families and minors. The responsibility with which they analyze making real the principle of the "best interests of the minor", the analysis of finding the "fairest solution" to the problems that have been generated within families, I liked to see this great effort for analyzing thoroughly to the end the legal concepts, the protection of people, the valuation of the human being. That is the legal intelligence that we need so much.