25 de gener del 2020

Compareixença al Parlamet de Catalunya per a una proposició de llei en àmbit d´Infància//Appearance in the Parliament of Catalonia for a proposal for a law in the area of Children

Compareixença a la Comissió encarregada del Parlament de Catalunya de la Proposició de Llei en referència al maltractament a la infància. Han comparegut Irma Rognoni i Pilar Tintoré  com a expertes i en representació de la Secció d´Infància de l´Il.lustre Col.legi d´Advocats de Barcelona (ICAB), com a Vocal i Presidenta de la Secció. Han fet exposició de les propostes de modificació dutes a terme pels membres de la Secció d´Infància per tal d´exposar la visió jurídica des de l´expertesa de la secció.
Appearance in the Commission in charge of the Parliament of Catalonia of the Proposal of Law with reference to the maltreatment to the children. Irma Rognoni and Pilar Tintoré have appeared as experts and on behalf of the Children's Section of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), as a Member and President of the Section. They have presented the proposals of modification made by the members of the Childhood Section in order to present the legal view from the expertise of the section.
L´ex-regidora d´Infància i vocal de la Secció d´Infància de l´ICAB Irma Rognoni amb la Presidenta de la Secció l´advocada Pilar Tintoré


20 de gener del 2020

Seminari organitzat pel CIDOB -WP2020A world of two or three?

Seminari organitzat per 18 any consecutiu pel CIDOB  per a debatre sobre el nou ordre internacional:  War&Peace in the 21st Century: A world of two or three? The US, China and the EU in a new global order 

#WP2020A world of two or three? The US, China and the EU in a new global orderFor the last few years the fault-lines dividing the United States and the People’s Republic of China seem not only to consolidate but to deepen further. Some voices suggest that we might be on the edge of the formation of a new bipolar system with dynamics mimicking those of the Cold War in the 20th Century between the US and the USSR. From trade wars to technological competition the effects of their current incipient contest are already affecting the contours of the global order. Amid the potential clash between Washington and Beijing, the European Union is asking itself whether it could become a third global pole in its own right and if it is interested in it to happen. After the Parliamentary elections in May 2019 and the constitution of the new EU Commission, new European leaderships must take strategic decisions on what the role of the European Union amid this contest should be. At the same time, Russia also tries to play a leading role in shaping the new world order. What should the EU do in order to secure its positions as a third independent voice? How would transatlantic relations be reshaped in this context? A new distribution of power might come hand-in-hand with substantial changes in the international order. How would the global liberal order change in light of a tripolar distribution of power? Is there anything different the EU can offer amid this change?09.30 OpeningAda Colau, Mayor, Barcelona City Council (tbc)09.45IntroductionAntoni Segura, Chairman of the Board, CIDOB Javier Solana, Honorary Chairman of the Board, CIDOB; President, ESADEgeo 10.00The United States, China and the new global orderA discussion between:Robin Niblett, Director, Chatham House Heather A. Conley, Vice President for Europe, Eurasia, and the Arctic, Center for Strategic and Internatio-nal Studies (CSIS) Shaoguang Wang, Emeritus Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong Dmitri Trenin, Director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Moscow Center Chaired and moderated by:Judy Dempsey, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Europe; Editor in Chief, Strategic Europe Followed by a debate between the speakers 11.15 Coffee break11.45 A third pole? Articulating an EU’s voice for the new political cycleA discussion between:Federica Mogherini, former High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission (tbc)Ferdinando Nelli, President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)Martin S. Indyk, Distinguished Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations Shada Islam, Director of Europe and Geopolitics, Friends of Europe Cristina Gallach, High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda of Spain; former UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information (2014-2017)Chaired and moderated by:Followed by a debate between the speakers13.00 Debate with the audience13.45 Closing RemarksPol Morillas, Director, CIDOB.

13 de gener del 2020

Campanya Cap Nen sense Joguina

Un any més s´ha dut a terme al Casino l´Aliança del Poblenou, la recollida de juguets per a infants de Barcelona que pateixen situacions diverses per tal que els Reis Mags els hi fagin arribar la joguina i puguin viure amb felicitat el dia de Reis. Enhorabona a tots els voluntaris per la gran tasca feta!

Desitjos per un nou any 2020 / Wishes for the new year 2020

Tot just iniciem un nou any, és el moment de la renovació dels desitjos, dels somnis, dels objectius, per a cada un de nosaltres, pel nostre entorn i pel món. Esperem que els somnis que projectem es facin realitat, esperem que mica en mica el món evolucioni cap el camí de la pau, la reconciliació, la tolerància i la serenitat. Si tots hi posem el nostre "gra de sorra" aconseguirem que l´harmonia creixi i s´irradiï al nostre voltant. Endavant i els millors desitjos per a tots !

As soon as we start a new year, it is time to renew our desires, our dreams, our goals, for each of us, for our environment and the world. We hope that the dreams we project will come true, and we hope that the world will gradually evolve towards the path of peace, reconciliation, tolerance and serenity. If we all put our "grain of sand" we will achieve harmony grow and radiate around us. Go ahead and best wishes to all!