27 de juny del 2019

Ple de Comiat, Ajuntament de Barcelona

12 de juny de 2019 Darrer Plenari de Barcelona.
Sempre quedarà al cor la gran experiència de l´estimació per Barcelona.

Regidors del GMD, Il.lms Irma Rognoni i companys de mandat

Darrer Plenari del districte de Sants Montjuïc

11 de juny de 2019 Darrer Plenari del districte de Sants Montjuïc.

11 de juny del 2019

Inauguration of the Sports Center of the Sala Montsant Soccer Club

Last Saturday took place the inauguration of the sports hall of the Sala Montsant Soccer Club, one of the main works of the Councilor Irma Rognoni being Councilor of Government in the district of Nou Barris.
Irma Rognoni achieved, with the projection and realization of this spectacular equipment, to solve a pending community conflict for more than 30 years.
Irma Rognoni wanted, with this work, to dignify the great work that the CFS Montsant does, a deserved equipment that contributes to the equality of the boys and girls of the Turó de la Peira neighborhood (
a neighborhood-from 73- with the lowest income indicators in the city).

City Councilors Il.lma. Irma Rognoni & Janet Sanz with JL Pico(President CFSMontsant)

The spectacular pool with soccer track on roof