22 de desembre del 2016

Dinar-Conferència de Joan Clos a l’associació Consell de Cent d´ ExRegidors de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona/Former City Councillors Lunch Conference

Joan Clos, ex-Alcalde de Barcelona, ex-Ministre i ex- Ambaixador, ara és el Director Executiu  de UN àábitat. En la  conferència  El Nou Paradigma Urbà d´Hàbitat III  ,  en un entorn  familiar amb ex regidors de Barcelona,  va ser il·lustrativa sobre els impactes de la urbanització sobre l’economia, la societat i el progrés. La claredat amb la que va exposar la importància de l´existència de lleis que afavoreixin la reparcel.lació va ser contundent als efectes d´urbanitzar, organitzar i ordenar les ciutats i la per tant la millora de vida dels ciutadans.

Joan Clos, former Mayor of Barcelona, former Minister, and former Ambassador, is now the Executive Director of UN Habitat. His conference  The New Urban Paradigm Habitat III, in a familiar lunch with Barcelona ´s former City Councilors, was illustrative about urbanism impacts trough economy, society and progress. His clarity about the need of parcel up rules becomes a key point to organize and bring order to cities and its citizens.


                                                            Dalt ; Joan Clos amb Ex Regidors de Barcelona
                                                    Sota:  Xavier Cases (ex Tinent d´alcalde ) amb Irma Rognoni

Conferència de Gregorio Luri

La conferència impartida per G.  Luri , Doctor en filosofia,  Los retos educativos del presente  a l´escola Aula escola Europea, va ser clara pel que fa als aspectes de la innovació, racional i amb un punt d´humor que fa sentir la tranquil·litat d’un savi que,  estudiós de l’educació,  preveu canvis combinats amb la comparativa al llarg de la història de l’educació.
Conclusió: cal innovar, cal ser tenaç i es necessari persistir en els canvis duts a terme per tal de demostrar el funcionament de les diferents metodologies. Matemàtiques i  comprensió lectora són eines fonamentals per nois i noies d’avui... i de sempre....

2 de desembre del 2016

Meeting in Barcelona, Project SDGs & Family (November)

This November has been hold in Barcelona a meeting to continue the work on the Project Making families a cornerstone  in  policymaking,  a  global guide for policymakers, decisionmakers and lawmakers and the family impact, with experts from all continents, organized by IFFD,  with the sponsor of Fundació “La Caixa”.

 The frame of the project is the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda “a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom…..  The 17 Sustainable Development Goals seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve” (UN: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).

The goal of the project is to encourage policymakers, decisionmakers and lawmakers to routinely ask themselves, in the normal course of decision-making, about the family impact. The family impact lens is a way to think in a more holistic and multidimensional perspective to deal with any legislative reform.

More information here:

                                          Opening session: experts with former Mayor Xavier Trias, Josep 
                                                 Oliva  (Fundació La Caixa), Javier Vidal-Quadras (Secretery IFFD)

Dominic Richardson,Esuna Dugarova,Daryl Higgins,Keiko 
  Hirao,Irma Rognoni,Zitha Mokomane,Mihaela Robila,Ignacio Socias

17 de novembre del 2016

Genial direcció d´orquestra: Constantin Trinks

Espectacular  direcció d’orquestra del genial director Constantin Trinks, tot ell vibrava i saltava mentre dirigia l´ Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya. Varen tocar diverses peces però va fer emocionar al públic amb  la Simfonia num. 7 de Beethoven.


30 d’octubre del 2016

25è Aniversari del Consell Assessor de la Gent Gran de Barcelona // 25th Anniversary of Barcelona’s Elders Council

El Consell Assessor de la Gent Gran (CAGG) ja fa 25 anys que promou, proposa, informa i fomenta polítiques de suport a la gent gran a l´Ajuntament de Barcelona. Sempre ha estat un Consell molt actiu i coherent adaptant-se cada un dels moments polítics. Va ser un honor presidir-lo durant 4 anys (2011-2015), varem intercanviar l´energia potent de persones que amb els anys de vida  han adquirit la saviesa, l´equilibri i els profunds i sòlids arguments pels canvis i la transformació que es necessita a cada moment. Enhorabona a tots els membres dels 25 anys!

The very active Barcelona´s Elder Council (CAGG) works, since 25 years ago, in  informing and encouraging Barcelona´s City Hall and its elder´s  policies. It was an honor preside  the CAGG over 4 years (2011-2015), exchanging the potent energy , the wisdom and the equilibrium acquired by all their members, and the solid arguments for transformation. Congratulations to all the members of these 25 years!

Presidenta CAGG  Irma Rognoni (2011-2015)
 Comissionada GG 2011/15 M.A. Rosset
Secretari CAGG Gusi

ExPresidenta CAGG Irma Rognoni, Ex Comissionada Gent Gran, Vice-Presidenta CAGG

22 de setembre del 2016

Increasing the awareness of cyberbulling among children

Since the bullying of children was something very evident lately,  It is absolutely necessary for all agents in society to acquire an awareness of cyberbulling as a treatment  emergency in order to protect our children and their  well being (articles 5, 8, 13, 19, 29 and concordant of the Convention of the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly, including 2010 UN Protocol, and a lot of other international, national and regional legislation). It includes all sorts of technology tools they use. Of course they need to be in contact, use and develop the  ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) but, as tools they have in their hands, these can have different uses. It is absolutely necessary for them, the children,  to learn how to use them and the consequences and responsibilities if they use them in the wrong way.

The laws, in different areas, are starting to regulate the consequences explicitly, but as the laws regarding children anticipated as fas back as two decades ago, kids today have a lot  higher level of awareness and autonomy than years before, and each lustrum it increases more quickly. This is one of the reasons that  laws are progressively recognizing and attributing more responsibilities (including the penal ones) to children. This is the main reason why they have to receive this information (right and duty) and have a determinate number of classes (like they receive in other disciplines) about the use and responsibility of the ICT.
Of course schools can teach about it, but the main responsibility is in the hands of the families, of the parents. Laws consider the use of personal devices from the age of 14, and they are quite explicit about the liabilities for kids from 14 years old  and their parents. So the decision of the momentum to have a personal device, which device, where devices are and how they use them , requires dialogue, pacts and rules inside the family nucleus. 

As for family, schools and enterprises we have to work together in the same vein.

12 de juliol del 2016

Dinar Anual dels Membres de l´Associació Consell de Cent al Palauet Albéniz // Annual Gathering with A. Consell de Cent members at Albeniz Palace

Dijous passat 7 de juliol es va celebrar el tradicional dinar anual al Palauet Albéniz ofert per l´ Alcalde o l´ Alcaldessa de Barcelona als membres de l’associació Consell de Cent. El dinar compta  amb la presència de tots els regidors de la ciutat de Barcelona des del primer Ajuntament democràtic de la ciutat. Varen ser presents l’alcaldessa i ex-alcaldes de la ciutat : Xavier Trias, Narcís Serra i Pasqual Maragall.

Un ambient distès i amigable on es comparteixen les principals preocupacions per la ciutat.

Last Thursday has been celebrated at Albeniz Palace the traditional Annual Gathering, offered by the Mayor of Barcelona city, to Barcelona’s City Councilors, members of the association Consell de Cent. The presence of all the City Councilors since the first democratic  city hall, including all the Mayors, offers a special space to share and discuss the main concerns about the city.

                              Irma Rognoni with other city councilors, from different mandates and different parties


28 de juny del 2016

27 Juny DAURRODÓ al TNC / June 27th. The work DAURRODÓ at the TNC

Ahir varem poder gaudir de l´ obra DAURRODÓ a la Sala del TNC. L´ espectacle concebut per Joan Baixes, es fonamenta en l´obra de l´artista brasileny Cildo Meireles (Rio de Janeiro 1948), en el que Glòria Rognoni hi ha col·laborat , especialment en la dramatúrgia de l´obra.

És una aposta que trenca esquemes, una obra conceptual en la que l´espectador SENT i EXPERIMENTA sensacions, de vegades dures, de vegades estranyes o de ridícul, de vegades de sobte s´endolcen i emocionen amb sons, colors, formes que sorprenen a l´espectador.

Yesterday we enjoyed the work DAURRODÓ at the National Catalan Theatre. The performance conceived by Joan Baixes, is based in Cildo´s Meireles work (Rio de Janeiro 1948). Glòria Rognoni has collaborated in the dramaturgy of the performance.

It is a big bet that breaks schemes, a conceptual work in which the spectator FEELS and EXPERIENCES sensations, sometimes tough, sometimes strange or even ridiculous, suddenly they sweeten and move with sounds, colors, forms catching out the spectator. 

Before going into

                                                           Gloria Rognoni and Irma Rognoni

                                       With artists: Victor, Joan Baixes, Cildo Meireles, Gloria Rognoni and Irma Rognoni

30 Maig, Inauguració de la nova escola PAIDEIA/ May 30th. Inauguration of the new PAIDEIA School for disabled children

Festa per a la Inauguració de la nova escola PAIDEIA a Les Corts, fruit de molta lluita i en la que molts Regidors de Barcelona de CIU de l´ anterior mandat hi varem dedicar esforços per a fer aquest somni possible: una instal·lació adequada a les necessitats dels infants amb discapacitat. Enhorabona a tot l´ equip de l´ escola i les famílies i especialment a la seva directora Maribel de la Madrid !!

Inauguration of the new PAIDEIA School, the result of  many efforts of the families,  team and board in which also many Bcn´s City councilor,s from the former mandate, dedicated time and efforts to make this dream real: a suitable room for disabled children. Congratulations to all the team, families and specially the Principal Maribel de la Madrid.

                                                    Directora Maribel de la Madrid
                                                   Perspectiva de l´escola
                                         Sònia Recasens, C. Domingo, Irma Rognoni i J. Canyameras
                                         Els horts a la terrassa

27 de maig del 2016

12 May 2016, The Celebration of the International Day of Families at UN Headquarters: “Families, healthy lives and sustainable future”

UN Headquarters, Focal Point on the Family (DSDP/DESA) has celebrated the International Day of Families. A panel hold by international experts has discussed how to accomplish well-being for all ages. There is no doubt that families remain at the centre of social life ensuring the well-being of their members, educating and socializing children and youth and caring for young and old.  (Quote: Background Note from Focal Point on the Family).

Dominic Richardson, Senior Education Specialist from Innocenti Office of Research, UNICEF, has been the moderator and has done introductory remarks, pointing his high level of knowledge of family indicators.

Daryl Higgins, deputy director at the Autralian Institute of Family Studies, Zitha Mokomane, professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Pretoria(South Africa), Scott Behson, professor of management at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rosario Esteinou, sociologist has been visitor professor at the center of Family Research at the University of Cambridge,  and Wendy Wang, senior researcher at Pew Research Center,  had done the presentations, all of them trying to delve into children well-being, in work and family balance, in involving fatherhood at the workplaces and home, in parents and youth, and intergenerational relations inside the families.

After the presentations there was a roundtable discussion with all the audience, more than 100 persons filled up the conference room.


                                          The panelists

                                          Dominic Richardson and Irma Rognoni

                                          Ignacio Socias and Irma Rognoni

19 de maig del 2016

United Nations Expert Group Meeting (May 2016), “Family policies & 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda”

Last week has been celebrated at UNHQ in New York one of the encounters of the Expert Group Meeting in the framework of the Department for Economic and Social Policy and Development (UNDESA), Division for Social Policy and Development.

The special discussion was focused in family policies and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The main points of discussion were:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (SDG3): reduction in global maternal mortality & access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning.
Family policies for poverty and hunger eradication (SDG1, 2): reduction of poverty, social protection,  access to basic services,  create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international level, ender hunger and improve nutrition.
Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all (SDG4).
Anchoring family policy in the 2030 Agenda trough relevant family research and indicators.

All the speakers expressed the high level of expertise, the significance of the role of the family at all levels, specially in preventing poverty and educating for the future in order to achieve what is mentioned in the Preamble of Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ”to strength universal peace in larger freedom, and to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path” (Quote: UN. Sustainable Development. Knowledge Platform -DESA).